Wednesday, 8 January 2025

A Word About Evidence


A Word About Evidence

I am telling the story of the events between ourselves and London Andrews – with evidence !

Proof in screenshots, messages etc. But this is a lot hard than you think.

Why ? Because I had no idea this was going to happen. That I would need to have to do this. And, because so much of what had been said to each other, between myself, London and also my wife, has been lost.

I am talking about a combination of both our private, personal accounts, the Andy Acolyte accounts and the London Andrews Project accounts.

First off, FaceBook. All those chats we had in the early years (2014 to 2016) have gone completely, because FB deleted London’s account early in 2016, for being too god-damn sexy !

Towards the end of 2016, London managed to get back onto FaceBook.

Then, much later, when she started blocking us – our personal accounts and the Andy A account etc – all those massages between us : gone !

On Instagram, when she blocked me, I’m left with just my side of our conversations. Then even that half of our interactions were lost when IG banned Andy A and the LA Project, because London Andrews is just to sexy for them.

Likewise MeWe, when you are blocked, everything is deleted, even from ‘group chats’. Your interactions with others vanish. And across all social media, when an account is deleted or closed, everything goes with it.

Think of all the messages, the information : proof, that I would have to work with, if I had access these online interactions.

With MeWe and the Naturist Lady account, for obvious reasons, this is different. I recorded a lot of what went on and I am going to get to this soon, in part 2 of this blog. So, I have this, along with the lies and abuse from London Andrews in 2023 !

This leaves Tumblr. And Tumblr is the exception. On Tumblr you keep both sides of the conversation and any items you had shared between each others accounts.

So, how do I prove things, given that perhaps over three quarters of the evidence of events between us and London Andrews has been wiped out ? In fact my wife has nothing left. All messages and comments totally wiped away.

Given this limitations, what do I do ?

Well, even one side of some conversation are self-explanatory.

I have repeatedly posted about being blocked from London’s accounts across social media, for upsetting Naturist Lady on MeWe. And then, later London would unblock.

So, here’s one side of a conversation from 2022. My answer to her when she asked me a question.

What does this prove ?

And I have been having to grit my teeth to leave you alone...and risk being blocked...again.”

It proves that she was blocking and unblocking me, and she was the one initiating contact.

Because I am answering a direct question from her.

Something she deigns.

Go on, you explain it ?

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