An introduction to London Andrews Part 3
The following is a recreation of a series of posts London did back at the start of 2019, telling her story in her own words.
(Part 3 of 12) As I self-shot photos of myself, I uploaded them to Myspace. A second photographer wrote me. A heavily tattooed, pierced, badass guy named Judas. He said, “You should model!” I scoffed again, “I am not pretty enough.” And he said, “Let me take some photos of you. I mostly shoot naked chicks for my website, but you decide what you are comfortable with.” - We set a date to shoot and I nearly backed out, twice. I didn’t feel pretty enough. How was I going to wearing lingerie around this random stranger? Was he going to kill me? Was I safe? Hours before our shoot, I stood naked looking at myself in the mirror, berating my body, pinching my fat thighs and my ugly face… literally, crying about how horrible I looked in the mirror…… But…… I had made up my mind. I *was* going to this photshoot. I wanted to model…… These were the photos from that day. I had just turned 20 years old (at Rochester, NY)
You should never have panicked! The photographs are wonderful and for your first time, you are showing poise and attitude. Perfect.