London, MeWe and me.
London Andrews operated a MeWe account and group for the first half of 2019. She then left this site, along with several over social media sites to concentrate on creating an animal sanctuary at a farm she bought out in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. Since then she has repeatedly stated that she has not used MeWe since then. Well, this denial doesn’t hold water.
First, if you are not on MeWe or if you are new to this app, you wont know, in the Autumn of last year, MeWe made some major changes. It migrated to ‘Web 3’, which meant that account owners had to had to do a little re-registering for their accounts. This was to remove a lot of dormant accounts to free up digital capacity. When you do that, you get a little green badge at the side of your name on your MeWe account. I have one because because I’m a MeWe subscriber. You will see it, if you visit me and London Andrews Project site, over on MeWe.
Ohh, what’s that ? Look at London’s dormant MeWe account. You know that one she hasn’t used since 2019…..It’s got a little green badge because she has re-registered the account. That would mean she has been on MeWe just last year !
Next, 2022 *. Here’s me, telling London – again – that someone is impersonating her on MeWe….Totally unconcerned. And just for emphasis, here’s me telling her the exact same thing over on Tumblr. “Just another weird bot. Haven’t been on MeWe in years.” She just brushes it off.
(*There’s something more detailed, boring technical stuff to this that I may post about another time. Because I’m boring and technical*)
The result of me telling her this, warning that someone was pretending to her : She blocked me.
Not just the ‘Andy Acolyte’ avatar that I use for this etc. But, the real me. My original, personal MeWe account. The one I set up to follow and support her when she set up her London Andrews Group at the start of 2019. Think about that one.
Some of you older followers of London may remember these type of posts from my personal account ? Where, I updated the group about when London was doing offers on her OnlyFans etc, after she had abandoned MeWe.
If you go to her MeWe group (It’s still there, dormant, but still there.), you will see that you can’t see them any more. Because they vanished when she blocked me. Also note that the ‘No Permissions’ banner, is because she had turned off that comments and group chat facility in 2021. Which is why I recorded them !
I wonder what could account for her strange reaction ? Why did being told that someone was claiming to be her, not bother her ? Why didn’t it matter ? Why shoot (block) the messenger ?
It’s almost like she already knew what was going on……????
And that is my conclusion. London knew what was happening, because she was running the Naturist Lady account !
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme
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