Monday, 24 February 2025

Spot The Difference : ‘We Have A Problem’.


Spot The Difference : ‘We Have A Problem’.

This is early 2021

“Now for the real stuff..this video is of my hubs and Jessica (London) which they filmed in private….” Naturist Lady.

Remember I say that Naturist Lady and her husband were having a polyamorous relationship with London and London’s husband. And was feeding me photos and info about her life and relationship with London and London’s husband. Because that was not just what I was being told, but I was being shown !

Naturist Lady wanted to move things forward and sent me a video, the first video. As further proof.

The first video I shared under the heading of ‘London Andrews 1. Let’s Play Spot The Difference’,

Messages 1 to 3 show where I was given this first video, by Naturist Lady.

But, as I said : “I think we have a problem.” Why ?

Because I had seen that video before, twice in fact. But, importantly ‘the problem’ was I had seen it just days before and reported it to London, because it was a pirated OnlyFans video of hers. So, I went back and recorded it from the Xhamster site that was pirating it.

And there’s was another part to this problem, as I said, I had seen it before, before even these 2 times. If my obsessive memory serves me right, and being obsessive it usually does, I had originally seen this video early on with London’s OnlyFans back in 2019.

So, it had been posted on London’s OnlyFans in a couple of years before, but just the once, it hadn’t been recycled. I had then seen it on the Xhamster porn site and reported it London. London, using Naturist Lady, had then sent it to me as one of the many items sent to me, to show that what Naturist Lady was saying was correct and prove that she was part of the relationship with London. London had not acted on my report of the piracy so I when I went back, the video was still there and I recorded it – because something was going on and I didn’t know what !

Now, something important, the spot the difference in the 2 videos. Did you see it ?

The first video sent by Naturist Lady had been cropped, the ‘onlyfans.comlondonandrewsoffical’ logo had been cropped of the video….Looking back I had hoped that I had been sent the full original version, where the logo had not been added. Sorry, if you look at the screenshots I have added (note photos), this shows the reduction from cropping.

Now, at this in time (early 2021) I was worried that I could have been being used, what I now know is called ‘catfishing’. Someone pretending to be someone else and playing a nasty, deceitful game.

I contacted London directly !

But, now I made a mistake, I didn’t say directly what had happened, what was going on. I was vague, my meaning was not clear...You need to understand that until this moment, I totally believed what I was being told. I didn’t want to got in there with a message that basically said. ‘Hey, you know your lover who often stays at the sanctuary, well she’s been talking to me, telling me all about it and sending me photos.’ Why would I doubt, I was being sent photographic evidence.

I didn’t want to be the one to tell her, her privacy was being betrayed by her new lover.

So, I sent a vague message with no detail to London on Instagram, which I lost when she later blocked me. I’d said something in the message along the lines of. ‘How are things with your husband and friends there at the sanctuary ? Have you got help with things there ? I really need to talk to you about piracy and rumours ?’

Her reply was interesting, because there was no reply. She ignored this message.

When, a few days later I asked about the ‘Hunting For London’ list I had emailed to her days before this incident with the video from Naturist Lady. I asked directly about *that* video on Xhamster and she replied. They had been very busy and had not had time to act on it.

Now you may recall that London and myself talked online a lot. But from this moment on, for some reason, our direct conversations faded away.

Naturist Lady had disappeared offline for a few day, then returned with excuses and reasons to smooth things over...and to distract me, sent unedited photos of herself. I saw her face for the first time.

More on this another time.

One thing was for sure. Someone was playing a game with me.

And for some strange reason she never sent me a video ever again !

Just a note on the OnlyFans video itself. It had been posted early on, on OF and to my knowledge, had not been reused again after this initial posting. But, by coincidence, it reappeared on London’s OnlyFans after I had unsubscribed in 2022. Purely coincidental, purely circumstantial, but…..

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LONDON : IN HER OWN WORD 2019 - Part 6



An introduction to London Andrews Part 6

The following is a recreation of a series of posts London did back at the start of 2019, telling her story in her own words.

(Part 6 of 12) At the age of 21, I made some very poor decisions for my modeling career. I was obsessed with exploring my sexuality on and off camera. I was partying heavily, drinking heavily, using drugs. I was disrespecting my body. While I was shooting in NYC, a magazine was sent to my house (I still do not know who sent it) - My Mom opened it. She called me crying, “Why would you have sex with someone on camera? What about our family? What did I do wrong as a mother? I am giving you an ultimatum…. stop modeling or move out!” - I know that I made some very crappy decisions, but…. I still felt that if was unfair to ask me to quit something I loved so much….. So. I moved out. I moved into my mustang convertible - I was determined to continue modeling. BUT I made a promise to myself to stop shooting content that was not kind to my body or my soul. I called my best friend in NYC and said, “I know that you are unhappy. Want to join me on a roadtrip? We might have to sleep in the car, but it will be an adventure!!” - So Matthew left everything he had. His apartment, his things, his life, his friends.. And we took off on this crazy journey across the US together. We rarely had money but we were happy. We counted pennies for gas sometimes. We camped and slept on couches and explored National Parks, swam in rivers, got lost in the deserts. We were like Thelma and Louise, except I was a naked model traveling around the US.

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Fun & Corporate Puritanism


Just a bit of fun for you from over on FaceBook and an illustration that it isn’t as easy as you might think, running the London Andrews Project and the accompanying blog. Because it takes commitment and time….

Corporate Puritanism

Well I’ve been repeatedly trying to share a very heavily edited, blurred out etc, video of London Andrews on here since last week. No matter what I do, cut out the swear words, blare and digitise, FaceBook’s corporate puritanism wont let me post it. Because it is undeniably one of London’s sex scenes. (If you follow the hint screenshot and use the hint link…...)

Which kind of messes up my blogging plans.

So, before I can blog about something, here’s a brief description of the video. It is London in an hotel room, riding a guy, reverse cowgirl style, while having a d*ldo pushed into her asshole ! Two wonderful minutes of this. Ohh and there are actually 2 videos. Which is why they are titled ‘Spot The Difference’.

But, I need to blog about where and how I got hold of these 2 versions of the same video.

If you can’t follow the hint, the blogspot site has the edited version that FB won’t let me post or try my other London Andrews Project sites, like X/twitter or MeWe or VK for the real one.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

LONDON : IN HER OWN WORD 2019 = Part 5



An introduction to London Andrews Part 5

(Part 5 of 12) But it wasn’t only photographers approaching me for work, countless fetish photographers kept trying to book me in NYC. “Will you wrestle? Will you let me tie you up? Will you eat pie on camera? Will you step on a pizza in slow motion? Will you wear wool mittens? Can I tickle you? Will you blow up a balloon on camera?” - And I was like “What the hell?” - My curiousity was REAL - The weirder the fetish, the more I wanted to explore it. I started booking fetish gigs back-to-back. Crazy gigs, weird gigs. I was 21 when I flew to Fetishcon in Tampa and my entire world was turned upside-down. There was a guy without legs that wanted to be a doormat. And people getting flogged in the hot tub. And people racing each other as ponies in the hallway… Sex parties. Swinger clubs. Life got weird really quick. (at Van Buren, New York)

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Motive ???


Motive ???

Has someone ever fucked up your head so much that you can’t even be happy any more?

Cause all you do is sit there and about what the fuck you did to deserve the bullshit!

That would be London…..

#LondonAndrews #londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #beauty #nude #busty #curvy #bbw #curvymodel #bbwmodel #adultmodel #glamormodel #voluptuous #photography #artistic #lingerie #erotica #kinky #patreon #onlyfans



That Video

London Andrews

Spot The Difference?

As you can, this is one of London’s OnlyFans videos.

And it’s way, way, way


to sexy to be allowed here.

In fact there isn’t just one video…

That sadly you can’t see.

There is a second video….

The same video….


And that is the story.”

Now, I’m taking a risk posting, even this video !

But, I need to show you something , to make the next post or two, to make sense.

Because there are 2 videos involved . I suggest you follow the HINT to a forum or The London Andrews Project MeWe , Twitter or VK pages to see more.

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Saturday, 15 February 2025

‘Hunting For London 34’


‘Hunting For London 34’

Just to emphasize. This was the thirty-fourth (34th) list of items of London Andrews’ own work that I had found pirated across the internet.

She had taken action to remove as many of these finds with every previous one of these ‘Hunting For London’ emails. There had been thirty-three emails before, that she had used to removed her pirated material.

The thirty-fourth was the first one she ignored in September of 2021.

It’s the first time she had failed to act on a list of her work being pirated.

Think about that ?

The date is no coincidence.

Now, something else is coming and suggest you follow ‘hint’ to see what I can’t show here….

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Friday, 14 February 2025




Let’s unpack these emails and what they show ?

Email 1

First, they show the work and time I put to helping and supporting London – for nothing, never asked for or received anything – because of how much I care about her.

Next, the first email from November 2021 shows that for some reason, London and her husband had not reacted to original email sent in September. They had not contacted the porn sites and had the videos, her OnlyFans work removed...unusual. So, I’d resent the email in November.

What could have happened between September and November to have changed things ?

Oohh Look…

MeWe 1

In October, my doubts and suspicions had been confirmed and I openly challenged London’s Naturist Lady account. I told her I knew she was London and I was not happy : in fact very hurt and upset about the game she had played with us.

email 2

Lastly, the email from January of 2022 shows that, first they still have not acted on the information I had supplied in September (why ?). In fact from the email sent in September, London never acted on any notification of piracy I continued to send her for months after. Because , understand, no matter how badly she had treated me, I still acted in her best interests and continued to search for and report her OnlyFans etc, when I found it pirated. And I was treated badly. She instigated a trolling campaign against me and, as can be inferred from the email – had accused me of pirating her OnlyFans ! And she also began the phase of blocking and unblocking myself and my wife on other social media sites.

All this disrespect lead to me unsubscribing and no longer to support her financially.

So, can you think of any other reason why London would stop responding and acting on to my emails ?

OF message

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Wednesday, 12 February 2025




An introduction to London Andrews Part 4

The following is a recreation of a series of posts London did back at the start of 2019, telling her story in her own words.

(Part 4/5 of 12) Judas sent me photos from our shoot and I was amazed, “I actually look kind of pretty” …. He replied, “You should shoot more often. There is this website called Modelmayhem, which is sort of like MySpace for photographers and models. Some photographers are professional, most are not. Stay safe, not everyone has good intentions.” (Dun dun dunnnn…. foreshadowing for a later post) - So I started a profile and within 24 hours, I had six photographers asking “ What is your modeling rate? Can I book you?” - I was dumbfounded. I had NO idea that I could actually make money modeling. I decided on…. “$20 an hour” - To which the first photographer replied, “Wow. That is CHEAP! Want to shoot tomorrow?” - And so it began…. In between my classes, I was getting paid to play dress up. And I was making enough money to pay my bills. (at Port Byron, New York)

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Monday, 10 February 2025

Piracy 2


Piracy 2

photo 1

How did I end up doing all this work for London Andrews ?

Well, part of this was driven by the fact that I will always feel I owe a debt to her for helping save my marriage (long story) !

Another reason is, I know just how much piracy hurts London.

(sorry there’s a sort of change coming – hint)

photo 2

Ten years ago, early on in our online contact, was the tail-end of the age of the online forum. Before the likes of FaceBook swept them away. I’d already had a raw experience with London online when she had had a mental and emotional breakdown in her car. She had been so overcome by fear and PTSD, that she had been unable to drive to a photo shoot. She had sat in her car in a distressed state for hours before I incidently messaged her. But, that another story….

Photo 3

Some time later, I came across an album London’s Patreon work on a forum. And this was from that months Patreon update ! I told her about it. She thanked me for the help and asked me to keep a look out for more of her work being pirated. So I did. This is how I found one of her mind - blowingly sexy masturbation videos !

So, I reported this to her. It upset her deeply. I wasn’t expecting her emotional reaction – I think she was crying ? She later explained that these videos were individually emailed out to the purchasers. This was 2015 and there were only around a hundred people on that Patreon tier. This meant that one of those people, who she thought she knew and could trust, had betrayed her. More than that, they were also robbing her.

Photo 4

It is important to understand that this was how London made her money and at this time she was only making a few thousand dollars a month.

Given her distress and explanation : I become a man on a mission.

‘Hunting For London’

I started to go out of my way to search the internet, forums and porn sites for her Patreon work etc. This became even more important several years later, when London launches her OnlyFans account and rapidly became one of its top creators of sexy content. Her fantastically sensual erotic material. Means her work is in demand – but some are not prepared to pay her for it !

By this time I was sending her a long list of my piracy finds. You can see from the screenshots of the email list etc, the work I put in and that I sent her a list on an almost monthly basis for years

And this is why the lies by London Andrews, that I pirated her work are so wrong and so hurtful !!

I have never pirated her work, but….

To provide some evidence, now, to get understanding, make a charge stick…..HINT.

You need to see things...HINT.

Photo 5

PS – You may notice something. After September 2021, London and her husband ceased to act on the ‘Hunting For London’ lists of pirated work. Is it because London was no longer bothered by her work being pirated ? Or, is it because she is ignoring me ? You tell me ?

Coincidentally in September 2021 I said, No More, to the Naturist Lady account. That she (Naturist Lady) was really London Andrews, and I wasn’t playing this game any more. I also directly informed London Andrews about the events of that year with the Naturist Lady account on MeWe.

All that happened ? The trolling and blocking started.

Let me know what you think.

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Sunday, 9 February 2025




An introduction to London Andrews Part 3

The following is a recreation of a series of posts London did back at the start of 2019, telling her story in her own words.

(Part 3 of 12) As I self-shot photos of myself, I uploaded them to Myspace. A second photographer wrote me. A heavily tattooed, pierced, badass guy named Judas. He said, “You should model!” I scoffed again, “I am not pretty enough.” And he said, “Let me take some photos of you. I mostly shoot naked chicks for my website, but you decide what you are comfortable with.” - We set a date to shoot and I nearly backed out, twice. I didn’t feel pretty enough. How was I going to wearing lingerie around this random stranger? Was he going to kill me? Was I safe? Hours before our shoot, I stood naked looking at myself in the mirror, berating my body, pinching my fat thighs and my ugly face… literally, crying about how horrible I looked in the mirror…… But…… I had made up my mind. I *was* going to this photshoot. I wanted to model…… These were the photos from that day. I had just turned 20 years old (at Rochester, NY)

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Piracy 1

London Andrews has repeatedly accused me of pirating her OnlyFans work. She has never provided any evidence to show that I have done this. Why ? Because there is no evidence that I have pirated her work. Because I have never pirated this work !

London’s accusations are very hurtful. They are lies and a gross misrepresentation of what I did for her.

The fact is the reverse. I used to search the internet for her, looked for her OnlyFans and Patreon erotica/porn material that was being pirated. I would then collect all the links and send London a report – almost monthly – so she, or later her husband, could act to have them removed.

I’ll go into more detail and tell a few stories around this area of my relationship with London in future posts over the coming days. And drop a few hints on things…..😉


#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

LONDON : IN HER OWN WORD 2019 - Part 2



An introduction to London Andrews Part 2

The following is a recreation of a series of posts London did back at the start of 2019, telling her story in her own words.

(Part 2 of 12) Around the time that I left for college, MySpace (hahaha… remember Myspace!?) was taking off. I put up a few photos that I had taken in highschool. A photographer saw them. He said “You should be a model” - I replied “I am too fat and ugly to model” (gosh it took me years to find self-love) And he said, “No. Really. You should model..! Check out this website called Suicide Girls, I think that you would be great for it!” - I checked it out and I was instantly inspired by the dozens of beautiful women that were pretty but not mainstream pretty…. And I thought, “I want to do that. I want to model like that!” - So I started taking photos of myself, on timer, in my dorm room. Hanging up wrinkled sheets as backgrounds. Posing with a sheet over the toilet (No joke, I sent that entire covered toilet set to SG asking them to accept me as a model… hahahaha… omg…. I even glued a few fake piercings to my face and Sharpie-markered tattoos on my body.. haha) I was 19 in these photos. (at Caledonia, New York)

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

London, MeWe and me.


London, MeWe and me.

London Andrews operated a MeWe account and group for the first half of 2019. She then left this site, along with several over social media sites to concentrate on creating an animal sanctuary at a farm she bought out in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. Since then she has repeatedly stated that she has not used MeWe since then. Well, this denial doesn’t hold water.

First, if you are not on MeWe or if you are new to this app, you wont know, in the Autumn of last year, MeWe made some major changes. It migrated to ‘Web 3’, which meant that account owners had to had to do a little re-registering for their accounts. This was to remove a lot of dormant accounts to free up digital capacity. When you do that, you get a little green badge at the side of your name on your MeWe account. I have one because because I’m a MeWe subscriber. You will see it, if you visit me and London Andrews Project site, over on MeWe.

Ohh, what’s that ? Look at London’s dormant MeWe account. You know that one she hasn’t used since 2019…..It’s got a little green badge because she has re-registered the account. That would mean she has been on MeWe just last year !

Next, 2022 *. Here’s me, telling London – again – that someone is impersonating her on MeWe….Totally unconcerned. And just for emphasis, here’s me telling her the exact same thing over on Tumblr. “Just another weird bot. Haven’t been on MeWe in years.” She just brushes it off.

(*There’s something more detailed, boring technical stuff to this that I may post about another time. Because I’m boring and technical*)

The result of me telling her this, warning that someone was pretending to her : She blocked me.

Not just the ‘Andy Acolyte’ avatar that I use for this etc. But, the real me. My original, personal MeWe account. The one I set up to follow and support her when she set up her London Andrews Group at the start of 2019. Think about that one.

Some of you older followers of London may remember these type of posts from my personal account ? Where, I updated the group about when London was doing offers on her OnlyFans etc, after she had abandoned MeWe.

If you go to her MeWe group (It’s still there, dormant, but still there.), you will see that you can’t see them any more. Because they vanished when she blocked me. Also note that the ‘No Permissions’ banner, is because she had turned off that comments and group chat facility in 2021. Which is why I recorded them !

I wonder what could account for her strange reaction ? Why did being told that someone was claiming to be her, not bother her ? Why didn’t it matter ? Why shoot (block) the messenger ?

It’s almost like she already knew what was going on……????

And that is my conclusion. London knew what was happening, because she was running the Naturist Lady account !

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Sunday, 2 February 2025




An introduction to London Andrews Part 1

The following is a recreation of a series of posts London did back at the start of 2019, telling her story in her own words.

(Part 1 of 12) Sitting at home this last month, I haven’t felt very inspired to post on IG. So I thought, “What can I talk about that might be interesting?” I decided on “How did you get into modeling?” …. When I was 16, my father bought me a digital camera for Christmas. @matthewpawloski and I spent our highschool days rollerblading, painting murals and occasionally “modeling” for the camera. We used props, lights. Matthew would do my makeup and dress me up in sexy outfits….. We spent hours taking photos of each other…. When highschool ended, Matthew moved to NYC (to model, actually). And I left for college to pursue a teaching career. 

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 #londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Blackmail 2 : Re-Share

  I am re-sharing these posts because some troll tried to get them removed by reporting them as : PORN !!!! Sunday, 22 September 2024 BLACKM...