Saturday, 8 March 2025

Blackmail 2 : Re-Share

 I am re-sharing these posts because some troll tried to get them removed by reporting them as : PORN !!!!

Sunday, 22 September 2024




Today is the anniversary of when I was blackmailed into deleting my London Andrews fan accounts from FaceBook. The blackmailer had said..

“Decided that until Andy either gives me the Facebook…..or the Facebook is removed. I am no longer going to create London content. I am done.

IF the page is removed or he signs it over, I will make one new video for onlyfans, everyday, for the next 30 days. And I will drop the price to $7.99”

Posted by London Andrews on her social media, 28th August 2023.

So, because of this blackmail and because I was not going to be used as a scapegoat for her ending her career (see other posts here about the fact she actually already stopped) . And so that her fans worldwide could have new content see, I agreed to hand over the FaceBook page and group to her.

I gave them to her. I signed it over, she had full control and ownership of them.

I did this, but there is a problem, first she didn’t want to use them, just to delete them. So she had been slightly disingenuous in what she had said before. But, also it is a lot harder and more involved to delete them, than she realised. She decided that she didn’t have the time for this involved process and claimed that I had not given her ownership so she could not delete them herself.

Despite the fact I had previously posted the YouTube videos I had followed, that explained it all, on these selfsame FaceBook accounts. Despite this untruth, I gave my word to London for her fans sake, I would what she wanted done with the FaceBook accounts.

I knew I was making a mistake, but I had given my word and keeping my word is important to me. I do not give my word, give an undertaking or a promise, lightly. And if I do : I keep it ! That’s the type of guy I am.

So, I went through the long and boring process of deleting the accounts. FB groups are easy. But, a have to delete each individual member. One at a time. This took time, I have work and other things to do, but I dedicated an hour a day to doing it, so I could keep my word to London and her fans. It took almost two weeks and despite snide comments from London that I was lying and wasn’t going to delete the accounts, I was just playing for time...and my own misgivings...I got to the end and deleted the accounts. London then implied I would relaunch the accounts inside the 30 day period you have to rethink and relaunch them. I allowed the accounts to be fully deleted. The very successful FaceBook fan accounts were completely erased.

I kept my word. I did what I had promised I would do.

Did you enjoy all the new London Andrews posts ?

All the new content on London’s social media ?

No, you did not...because she did not keep her word !

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beauty #sexy #beautiful #bbw #curvy #busty #voluptuous #glamour #kinky #curvymodel #photography #art #lingerie #erotica #model #onlyfans #patreon #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Blackmail 1 : Re-Shared

 I am re-sharing these posts because some troll tried to get them removed by reporting them as : PORN !!!!

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Blackmail 1



We are approaching the anniversary of when I gave in to be blackmailed by London Andrews.

And this is something I now regret. She had demanded that I either hand over the London Andrews Project group and page, on FaceBook, to her. Or close them down.

The blackmail was Carrot and stick, she threatened that she would stop creating and sharing new London Andrews content. But, if I did what she said, she would not only create and post new content, as the carrot. But, also reduce the price of her OnlyFan’s subscription.

I regret that I gave in, because she never kept any of her promises – because she repeated these promises several times between September and December of last year (2023). I regret this because I gave in because I was being blamed for her not posting or creating new modelling or erotic work.

So, I did what she wanted, I made her an admin of the page and the group. I removed myself from my admin and owners role. This meant that London became the sole admin and thus owner.

Now, I was attacked and abused repeatedly during this time. One of the reasons was a technical one. I could not use or follow the instructions on the FB help and support, because these were for the old style set-up. This caused some friction because of course this is what London and her supporting trolls had looked at. Despite the fact that I posted several of the instructional videos that I had used.

London did not delete the group and page when she had the chance. Nor, did she take them over and use them post her modelling work and restart blogging on FB, which was another reason she had given for wanting control of the FB sites.

She failed to do any of the things that she said she would do. Either at this time or later. She gave me back control of the FB accounts, which I had to delete myself or, as she and others repeatedly pointed out, I would be blamed for London finishing her modelling career.

So, I gave into blackmail….

More Shortly


#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Friday, 7 March 2025

The Trolls Are Back Part 2 – Porn ?????????????


The Trolls Are Back Part 2 – Porn ?????????????

I’ve also had another troll playing games recently.

They attempted to get the posts relating to London Andrews blackmailing of me and her lies to her fans, followers and subscribers, removed. The troll tried to have them taken down by reporting them as – PORN !

Porn ? These are porn ? Do they look like porn ? Whatever turns you on I suppose ?

Anyway, because of this interference and because this post has triggered a troll. I’m going to re-share them.

Long age I did give some advice about letting sleeping dogs lie, but……

Here’s the post, let me know where the pornography is ?

What’s pornographic about them ?

Let me know what you think.

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Thursday, 6 March 2025

The Trolls Are Back Part 1


The Trolls Are Back Part 1

The trolls have been back in action.

It might be because someone has had free time on their hands ? But….

First, this guy. He is demonstrating a textbook case of willful blindness. He refuses engage with the evidence. Attempting to dismiss it as “ horse shit”.

He can’t deal with the multiple items of factual evidence that London Andrews had lost interest in modelling and porn, years before.

I don’t want to be London anymore”

To quote a message from London to myself in January 2022 : 18 months before she she started attacking me and then decided to use me as an excuse.

He can’t deal with the fact that London admitted, both privately and publicly that she was behind the contentious Nature Lady account on MeWe. The one she used to ‘catfish’ me. Which is at the core of everything !

That this fact was independently verified by 2 other MeWe users.

He can’t counter that I prove that London Andrews blocked me on her Instagram etc accounts, and then more importantly : unblocking me ! For disagreeing and arguing with her when she was using the Naturist Lady account.

And he dare not go near that London actively and publicly lied and blackmailed me.

(more on this very shortly)

All this is recorded with evidence he can’t deal with, in my blog.

All he can do, is parrot the lie that I had driven London Andrews from modelling. But, being willfully blind, he never looked at any of the evidence I have posted.

He is willfully ignorant of the timeline of events between London and myself.

This troll can’t provide any evidence to counter what I have posted. He can’t deal with the evidence because he is willfully ignorant and for some irrational reason, wishes to remain willfully blind !

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

LONDON : IN HER OWN WORD 2019 - Part 7



An introduction to London Andrews Part 7

The following is a recreation of a series of posts London did back at the start of 2019, telling her story in her own words.

(Part 7 of 12) After two years of shooting mostly fetish work, I was unhappy. My curiosity of the fetish world had been satiated. My shoots were no longer exciting. I was not creating anything that I felt proud of - While on the road with Matthew, I decided that I wanted to move away from fetish and into glamour modeling…. The problem was that I did not have a portfolio. And unlike the Fetish world, the glam world was not nearly as accepting towards plus size women (this is nearly 12 years ago)…… Most of the photographers straight-up told me, “You are too fat, no one will ever work with you” “Just give up” “Stick to bondage” “Lose some weight!” “I will feed you hamburgers but I am not going to shoot you” (a real line from a real email…ugh….) - But I kept pushing. I kept writing. A few photographers wrote me back…. Andrew Baran, Gregory Prescott, @rhophotos , @thtaylorphotography , @corwinprescott just to name a few …. Their images helped to built my glamour/art nude portfolio….. With their work on my side, I started booking glamour shoots nearly fulltime. I was finally creating work that I felt truly proud of. (at Rochester, New York)

#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beautiful #sexy #curvymodel #adultmodel #londonandrewsproject #londonandrewsandme

Blackmail 2 : Re-Share

  I am re-sharing these posts because some troll tried to get them removed by reporting them as : PORN !!!! Sunday, 22 September 2024 BLACKM...